- Regular Bookings (this does not apply to large groups or Dive Group Bookings) may be canceled as per the following cancellation terms:
- Once a Booking is confirmed and the non-refundable ‘Reservation Gurantee & Administration Fee’ has been paid (25% of total booking value) it is a ‘Final Confirmed Booking’.
- Any ‘Final Confirmed Booking’, which is canceled any time after the ‘Reservation Gurantee & Administration Fee’ payment and prior to 30 days before guest arrival (which is when ‘Final Payment’ is due) can be fully canceled, whilst there will be NO REFUND of the 25% ‘Reservation Gurantee & Administration Fee’ paid originally at the initial booking confirmation. The clients thereby forfeit their original 25% ‘Reservation Gurantee & Administration Fee’ payment and the rooms will be released by WBR immediately.
- Any ‘Final Confirmed Booking’, which is canceled after the ‘Reservation Gurantee & Administration Fee’ payment and also after the ‘Final Payment’ of 75% of total booking value (due 30 days prior to guest arrival) is not due ANY REFUND of their by now full 100% payment. The clients thereby forfeit their full 100% payment for this booking and the rooms will be released by WBR immediately.
- If at any stage WBR refunds any client a part or the full booking value a 5% handling fee is always applied.
- All cancellations have to be in writing and will be noted as received on the date of the respective written notification.
- If a respective booking is requested to be changed, WBR will try to accommodate such change without any additional fees to the client, however, if such change will result in any loss of revenue or a reduced booking volume, WBR reserves the right to fully recalculate the quotation and adapt from the original booking. A 5% handling fee may apply dependent on the nature of the changes.
- Unused portions of the diving, surfing, fishing food or accommodation packages or bookings not utilized by the customers’ choice or diving, surfing and fishing canceled as a result of weather or acts of god are non-transferable and non-refundable. No part of any booking can be transferred from one guest to another unless this is agreed to by WBR.
- No refunds are given where a guest fails to complete a dive or any other activity due to his/her inability to complete such activity at the time and date.
- No refunds are given where a guest fails to complete an activity which is pre-booked and he/she are simply not willing to utilize such activity due to ‘changing his/her mind’ or out of whatever reason not being able to utilize such pre-booked activities etc…
- Late notice changes (less than 48 hours) of your arrival details in view of having booked transport pick-up, may result in the full 100% charge of such pick-up in addition to charges for your new pick-up. WBR will always try to prevent any additional charges to the customer, but as with transfers WBR is using a third party – if the transport operator will charge WBR – WBR in turn will have to charge the client for such late notice transfer changes.
Reservations Guarantee & Administration Fee: A payment of 25% of total booking value is due at the initial booking time period, after the quotation process and the final confirmation of the client to approve a specific quotation and now wishing to finalize. Once such payment – the ‘Reservation Guarantee & Administration Fee’ is paid – WBR guarantees the booking in all of its parts and will ensure to hold the room(s) accordingly. Only once ‘Reservation Guarantee & Administration Fee’ payment is received by WBR is a booking a “final confirmed booking’. A ‘reservation guarantee and administration fee’ is defined as a charge for the service of holding and guaranteeing a room and all administrative work completed by WBR during the booking process. All services pertaining to the reservation guarantee and administration fee are deemed to have been delivered at point of invoice.
Final Payment: Final payment (75% of total booking value) is due latest 30 days prior to guest arrival. Once the time period for final payment is triggered (30 days prior to arrival date) all clients must have paid their respective ‘Final Payment’ and WBR reserves the right to release the rooms and the client will forfeit the initial booking payment – in case final payment was not made.
Payment Method: All prices and package prices are quoted in Fijian dollars (FJD) and represent the FJD dollar amount to be received by WBR in Fiji. Payment is accepted by FJD cheque or by direct transfer to the WBR bank account – or credit card. Any charges incurred in remitting the funds to WBR, will be borne by the client. Payments by any other means (non-Fijian currencies, credit card etc…) are accepted by mutual agreement, but may be subject to a further administration charge.
Pricing: All final prices for any booking/reservation shall always include ‘Value Added Tax’ (VAT – currently, as of 1 April 2022 at 15%), which are Fiji’s current Government Taxes (subject to changes as per government budgetary decisions at any time). WBR is merely collecting such VAT charges on behalf of the Fiji government, by adding VAT (@15%) to any and all final bookings. Rates may be subject to possible changes, without prior notice, in case of sudden or unexpected cost- or tax-increases in the market. Prices do not include taxes not specified in the price list or changes in tax rates, or other charges that governments or service providers may impose from time to time. Guest will be responsible for paying any such additional taxes/charges on check-out. WBR will communicate any changes to any pricing as soon as the details are made available to WBR.
Packages & Specials: Promoted Packages or ‘Specials’ are inclusive of all advertised components and cannot be broken down into individual component parts. No component of any package or special can be transferred from one person to another nor can be redeemed for cash or other services if not utilized for any reason.
Documentation: A valid passport is required, with validity for at least 3 months after the return from travel.
All scuba divers must be medically fit to participate in SCUBA diving activities and hold current certification from an accredited and well-recognized diving organization. Proof of certification will be requested prior to diving. Guests will be required to sign liability waivers and assumption of risk documents prior to participation in any water-based activities. Refusal by a guest to sign such documents will prevent the resort from providing such activities. No refunds will be given in circumstances where a guest refuses to sign the appropriate documentation.
Dive Group Packages: Any diving package booked for 5 or more divers is defined as a ‘dive group package’ and will often feature preferential pricing and inclusions. As such, the group must transfer together as one and if individuals of the groups arrive or depart at different times, thereby requiring separate transfers, the additional transfers will be charged in addition to the group quote. Dives must be taken by the group as a group, until the dive package is exhausted. If individuals within the group, choose to refrain from diving on any day for any reason, they may not carry forward that part of their package to use later. Packaged dives are quoted on a use or lose basis and cannot be refunded, transferred to another individual or used against other services if not taken.
Shark Diving: The ‘Shark Dive’ is run in coordination with 3rd party operator. In the rare event that a Shark Dive, included in a quoted package, is cancelled or no-longer available, Waidroka will provide an alternative (higher value) 3-tank dive option instead.
Accommodation Substitutions: WBR reserves the right, at any time for good and just cause – such as an act of god, an emergency or on-site facility problem – to substitute alternative accommodation. Any substituted accommodation will be of equal or better standard to that originally booked. If in case the standard cannot be kept, a refund for the difference in accommodation standard will be offered to the guest according to WBR’s official rates.
Children Policy: WBR’s Accommodation ‘Children Policy’ is set as follows: Children under the age of 6 years will not pay any accommodation charges. From the age of 6 to 10 years old children will pay only 50% of the normal accommodation charge increase for additional persons. Any child above the age of 10 years will pay the normal and full adult rate for accommodation. WBR’s Meals ‘Children Policy’ is set as follows: Children under the age of 6 are eligible for a FREE ‘Kids Meal Plan’. Children between the ages of 6-10 can benefit from the ‘Kids Meal Plan’ at a 50% discount of the ‘Adult Meal Plasn’ – if desired (kids menu is different from the normal 3-course adult dinner with different dishes and smaller portions). Any child above the age of 10 years will pay the normal and full adult rate for meals.
Guest Responsibility: Guest is required to follow any directions given by WBR whilst participating in any of WBR’s offered activities. All of WBR’s directives will be in line with safety standards and are there to provide safety to all of WBR’s guests. Any action by a guest which is described as illegal under the laws of Fiji will result in the guest being removed from the premises and the appropriate authorities being informed.
Insurance: WBR does not accept any responsibility for any delay, inconvenience or additional expense which may be caused directly or indirectly by events outside of WBR’s control. Additionally, WBR will not accept any responsibility for any injury, guest loss of or damage to personal equipment and property whilst staying at the resort, or during participating in any activity.
We strongly recommend that all guests take out TRAVEL INSURANCE, which covers all aspects of such possible causes and events and to cover unforseen circumstances. Guest intending on participating in any adventure activities, like diving or surfing activities must ensure their insurance covers those activities.
Mandatory and depth appropriate insurance is required for ALL guests participating in Scuba Diving!
